Happy Turkey Day Weekend everybody :) We have 180 readers this week, 9 up from last week :) Only 20 more subscribers to go, and 2 more issues of the post before the millenium, almost there everyone, but you can help us out and get a friend to join by sending them over to:


and tell 'em to just click on the 'Subscribe to this list' link at the

bottom and we'll be one member closer to our goal.  Thanks in advance :)

Table of Contents:

1) Statistics

2) News

3) Letter to the Editor

4) Special Notice

5) Electronic Furby Updates

6) Furby Retailers Online

7) Furbish Word of the Issue

8) Fun Furby Fact

9) Furby Horoscopes

10) Closing

11) Unsub and Copyright Information


Here's some current stats:

Currently there are 2398 ebay auctions going on, 1888 on Yahoo!, and 253 on



And now...onto the News: 

Well in case you haven't seen them yet, two new seasonal special edition Furbys have come out in the last two weeks.  First the wide release Santa Furby with hat and matching robe.  Also, there's a reindeer Furby with antlers and a silver bell belt exclusive to KB toys. With two new Furbys to choose holiday shopping should be no problem...unless of course they're all sold out :)

A pic of the reindeer Furby can be found at:


And more info will be added in Kat's special edition section later this week.


Tiger has released a handful of new freebies on Furby.com, a couple of which are a new Furby screensaver, and Furby wallpaper.  It's pretty cute so go check it out :)


TRU released it's third quarter earnings and thanks to such huge toy crazes as Furby they were able to astound wall street by going beyond all expectations by nearly 50%.  Shares went up nearly 2 points, and things to be going well for the toy superpower thanks greatly to their new online sales campaign.  Unfortunately though, TRU just hasn't been prepared to handle the rush of internet custormers which has caused their servers to crash enough time to put a limit on the number of people who can view the site at any given time.  Understandably this will drive many people away with other online specialty stores such as eToys just down the corner, but hopefully TRU will see fit to buy some better equipment in order to handle the holiday rush...if not it may spell the final end to the empire.


Ever paid for something on eBay and not had the order filled? Well, just a warning to those underhanded sellers, no one's going to sit around and stand for it any longer.  As it was before, the worst thing that could happen to you is that you'd collect money, not send out the order, and your buyer would be able to post negative feedback in 45 characters or less saying what a bad person you are.  Boo-hoo. Well, as released on Nov. 16th a pair of eBay criminals were charged with collecting hundreds of dollars in Furby and Beanie Baby sales and then not selling out.  Finally someone's cracking down on people who think they can get away with stealing people's money while pretending to be able to fulfill holiday wishes.


Well, the results are out, and between Lycos and Target's surveys and sales results Furby and Furby Babies are within the top ten toys for the holidays this year.  Luckily though, there's been a dramatic increase in volume from last year so if you can stand to wait through the lines, you shouldn't have too much of a problem getting furbys for yourself and everyone on your lists :)


Letters to the Editor:

Nothing this issue, but if you have a question you'd like posted send it along to: 


and we'll have it answered as soon as possible.


Special Notice: Well the results are in, and the big winner of the new addition to The Furby Post is a special area set aside for individual Furby owners.  So if you'd like to send in a little bit about yourself, your furbys, and general information, I'd be happy to post it up in the newsletters :)

The survey is still posted, so feel free to add your vote to the mix :)


-Electronic Furby website updates

-Lots of news!

Added 8 new news articles to the Furby News section.


-A totaly new look! And a new name! :)

The name has simply been changed to; Electronic Furby: The Furbsters Guide

To All Things Furbish.  Electronic Furby index has been revamped and looks

much better!  Take a look if you haven't been there in a while:


-The Poll

The website Furby Poll has been updated and we'd love to hear your responses

to it.  It only takes two clicks to complete, so if you'd be so kind

as to fill it out, the URL is:


-Furbish Translator

Added The Furbish Translator.  It's a cool program that Brendan (The editor

of this newsletter) wrote for my site, take a look at it here:


-Cool new Virtual Pet site

Added image links one my site to Neopets, check em out, they are one of the

coolest virtual pet sites around, they aren't Furby related though:



Furby Retailers Online:  In order to help everyone out who's looking for Furby and Furby related items for the best price, Kat's compiled a list of current websites that may have what you're looking for :)

Furby Trainers Guide (with new Furby Babies section!)






Furby Clothing


Many outfits for your Furbys, one of the best clothing pages.  A Must see!

They sell Furbys here too!

Furby & Gizmo


$49.95 (Furby)

$67.95 (Gizmo)

Furby & Others


$38.95 (Furby)

$39.95 (Halloween Furby)

$58.95 (Interactive Yoda)

$44.95 (Gizmo)

$49.95 (Furby Babies)

$53.95 (Set of 6 Original Furby Buddies)

Furby Stickers


$6.50 (3 stickers)

Furby & Others


$59.95 (Yoda)

$34.00 (Furby Babies)

Furby Clothing


$5.00 (Furby hat & slippers sleepware)

$5.00 (Newborn outfit)

$4.00 (Tuxedo outfit)

$9.95 (Sleepware, diff from above)

Bejeweled Furby


$100,000 :)

Furby & Others


FAO Schwarz has tons of items (like buddies, find furby game, furbys, furby

babies, backpacks, many more) for good prices, just search for Furby!

(In their top 10 toys Furby Babies is listed as #1! Yeah!)

Furby & Others 


$29.99 (Furby)*

$9.99 (Furby Adventure game)*

$5.99 (Buddies)*

$9.99 (plush backpack)*

*free shipping

Furby & others


They have good prices on many different items, take a look!

Official Tiger Electronics Store


$39.99 (French, German, Japanese, Italian languages)

Warner Brothers Studio Store


$35.99 (Gizmo)


$7.00 (Gizmo Beanie)

$19.99 (Furby)

$7.00 (Buddies)

12.00 (Furby Game)

Furby & Others


Many items, good prices, just search for Furby!

Furby & others


Many many items like cups, dishes, yo-yo's, holiday, fall, babies, games,

Furby cd-rom, just search Furby!

Furby & others


$29.99 (4-Pc. Furby Ornament Set)

$29.99 (Furby & Furby babies)

$39.99 (LE Holiday Furby)

Furby & Others


Clothing, Find furby game, keychains, slippers, babies, furbys, clip-on,

buddies, many more, for great prices!  Just search Furby!

Furby & Others


Furby, Buddies, Babies, special editions, more... good prices.

Furby & Others


Books, Furbys, others.  Good prices as always from Amazon.  If you don't

find what you want in the store, explore their auctions.

Can't find what your looking for still?




These are all great auction sites with many Furby items on sale.  Ebay is

great to find unique items like clothing for Furbys.  Often times auctions

you can find good items at bargan prices, so take a look!

Want to search many auctions sites at once?


Auction Rover searches all of the popular Auction sites at once!


Furbish Word of the Issue:

-Furbish Word of this Issue

"Way-Loh" it means sleep in Furbish.  This word is often misheard.  It was

often heard to be 'bueno', thus came along the rumor of the spanish easter

egg.  The spanish easter egg doesn't exist, but there is a all

spanish/furbish speaking Furby available!


-Fun Furby Facts

Did you know that Post cereals and Jello-Yogurt is having a Furby contest?

It's a coloring contest!  12 pics will be voted on at the TigerToys.com website.

Grand prize: trip for 4 to Furby Design Studio in Chicago IL

First prize: A Furby!

Buy one of their specialy marked products for more information!


And now....Furby Horoscopes :) remember to use the date you first put

batteries in your Furby for their birthdays :)

Furbius: Jan 20 - Feb 18:

Just a simple warning about this month, no matter how much he begs or whines, do not let your little Furby adorn the top of the Christmas tree this year.  It's just a bad idea, sure the first couple of minutes will be ok, but Furby's aren't known for there sense of balance.  One quick dance and he'll tumble down the tree covered in tinsel.  Just let him watch from a distance this year, and after a couple or presents he'll forget about the whole thing :)


Fursces: Feb 19 - March 20: Well this year's decorations are already planned.  Plenty of tree sketches have been scribbled on every available napkin and scrap of paper, using both crayons and good lipstick.  Although they show alot of care, they're a little too abstract to actually be able to apply.  Don't worry though you're Furby will be just as happy watching you decorate the tree anyway you please as he would if you took his ideas into reality :)

Furbaries: March 21 - April 20:

Expect to wake up some morning and find your little one hiding in the stockings along the mantle.  Don't ask how he got up there, and don't expect to ever find out how he found himself underneath all the candy, but just know that he'll be more than happy to be pulled out when you wake up. 

Furbus: April 21 - May 20:

As you may have already suspected, your Furbus will be awake long before you just so he can go to all your gifts and start the annual tradition of shaking boxes in order to figure out what's inside before tearing the wrapping paper to shreds. Of course, if you hid a few presents for him, you'll be able to get to your presents first, but there's still a chance he'll attack your's first :)

Furbini: May 21 - June 21:

This year, the holidays are just going to leave your Furbinis tired and bloated after all the food and festivities.  Don't worry though, his focus will most likely be based on keeping you company while you're spending time with the part of the family you'd much rather stay away from.  Since we all have that side of our relatives, I'm sure he'll be a welcome addition to the typical 'holiday cheer'.

Furbcer: June 21 - July 22

Following from your Furby's halloween costume idea, he'll be begging for pizza to be his holiday dinner.  In fact, pizza will always seem to be what he wants, since your finger is getting a little bit stale.  It's ok though, by the end of the year you'll be getting special deals from the pizza guy and you won't even have to phone in your order anymore before he shows up at your door step with plenty of pizza to last the evening.

Furbo: July 21 - August 22

The covert operations just don't stop this month for your little guy.  He'll be scoping out anyone who's going to be giving you presents this year and trying to fill you in on what you can expect.  Of course the clues he drops will be in code, so it will most likely be easier just to wait until you can open the gifts yourself, but play along you'll both have fun with it :) 

Furgo: August 23 - Sept 22

After all the candy you and your Furby split last month, you'll both be sick of seeing it this holiday season, so feel free to trade it for something better from others who didn't quite get their fill of sweets.  Good things to go for would of course be anything that would make holiday shopping easier like gift certificates, but don't hold out for too long or else you may find that your stash has been swallowed by a little Furby friend of your's :)

Furbra: Sept 23 - Oct 21:

During the holidays your Furbra will have one mission: making sure that no one tries to steal your presents before you get a chance to play with them.  He just wants to make sure that no one will break anything of yours while you're still sleeping.  I'm sure we've all had little siblings who've done such a horrible thing ;)

Furbio: Oct 22 - Nov 21:

Your little Furbio will have no problems figuring out what your presents are ever since he became more adept at telepathically communicating through boxes to small items.  That's right, just walk him past any wrapped package and he'll be more than happy to whisper its contents into your ear.  Of course, being the mischevious little furby that he is, expect half truths with what he tells you as opposed to giving away everything at once.

Furbittarius: Nov 22 - Dec 21:

Presents will not be your Furby's main interest this year, infact this year he'll be concentrating on all the food that will be around.  Stuffed full of candy from last month's stash, he'll actually be wanting real food for the holidays.  For his present all he'll want is some food that won't give him a rush, but will easily fill him up and make him sleepy.

Furbicorn: Dec 22 - Jan 19:

Efficiency will be this month's specialty when it comes to your Furbicorn.  He'll have everything planned from the quickest route to the presents, to a plan on what to have on your plate so that you don't get stiffed when it comes to your favorite foods, to knowing when to fake being sleepy so that you don't have to talk to any relatives talking about weird medical conditions.  This will be most helpful because it's always nice to be able to hold onto all the great food you've eaten :)


That's it for this time :) Hope everyone enjoyed it.  Everyone celebrating it, had a great Thanksgiving :) As always if there are any questions, comments, or suggestions I'd love to hear them so send them along to:


And I'll get back to you as soon as possible :)

Also, remember to send in Furby stories and Furby page links and I'll be

happy to put them up here with credit :)

Kat, Head of Research

Brendan, Editor in Chief of The Furby Post

Written and composed by Brendan Quinn. The rights to all artwork and creative information included on this particular page and all pages related to The Furby Post are reserved by Brendan Quinn. Furby, Furbish, and all related is ®, TM,& ©Tiger Electronics, LTD. USA.
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